
The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont has a remarkable community that provides ample opportunities to connect with fellow graduate students, postdocs, staff, and faculty. Offerings include workshops, conferences, events and seminars to bring together the perspectives of our diverse specialties. It is important to share your voice and feel heard as well as get involved with our Larner Community. 

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Gerson Discusses Risks Associated with ‘Pox Parties’ in Article Featured in Multiple Media Outlets

January 8, 2016 by Brittany Willette

UVM Clinical Professor of Pediatrics William Gerson, M.D., authored an article discussing the serious risks associated with “chickenpox parties” – where children are intentionally exposed to the varicella zoster virus in hopes of immunizing them from a more serious infection down the road. Read the article in PediatricsAll Web News and Pharmacist.

William Gerson, M.D., UVM clinical professor of pediatrics. (Photo: Pediatric Medicine VT)

(JANUARY 8-13, 2016) UVM Clinical Professor of Pediatrics William Gerson, M.D., authored an article discussing the serious risks associated with “chickenpox parties” – where children are intentionally exposed to the varicella zoster virus in hopes of immunizing them from a more serious infection down the road. Read the article in PediatricsAll Web News and Pharmacist.