• Medical Students, Faculty, & Staff Recognized at Class of ’23 Honors Night
    May 17, 2023
    The Larner College of Medicine medical Class of 2023 Honors Night on May 15 featured recognition and awards for graduating medical students, faculty, and staff.
  • Dixon Quoted in NBC5 Story on Recruitment of Millennials for Long-Term Nationwide Lung Health Cohort Study
    May 17, 2023
    (MAY 17, 2023) NBC5 featured pulmonologist Anne Dixon, M.A., B.M.B.Ch., professor of medicine, in a story about recruiting millennials for a long-term nationwide Lung Health Cohort Study. The pioneering study will follow 4,000 young, healthy adults to paint a clearer picture of lung health and the factors involved in predicting and preventing lung disease.
  • Invention to Venture: Larner Creators Bring Medical Innovations to Marketplace
    May 11, 2023
    The Larner College of Medicine has been at the vanguard of technology transfer over the past decade, supporting patents and commercialization of faculty research, which has led to several successful startups. Recent examples of commercially successful innovations by Larner faculty include Prolocor, a startup company focused on developing a more precise method and diagnostic tool for assessing and managing risk in cardiovascular disease.
  • Levine & Carney Comment to WCAX on End of COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
    May 10, 2023
    (MAY 10, 2023) With the COVID-19 public health emergency expiring on the national level, WCAX-TV interviewed Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine, M.D., associate dean for graduate medical education and professor of medicine, and Jan Carney, M.D., M.P.H., associate dean of public health and health policy and professor of medicine, about what changes Vermonters can expect.
  • Carney Featured in WalletHub Article on Best States for Nurses
    May 2, 2023
    (MAY 2, 2023) Jan Carney, M.D., M.P.H., associate dean for public health and health policy, professor of medicine, and director of the graduate public health program at Larner, was interviewed by WalletHub about the future of the nursing profession and how recent graduates can find success.
    Read full story from WalletHub