News from the College

Use the links below to read recent news and stories from the college.

  • An Essential Alumni Couple: Ben Katz '02 and Megan Malgeri, MD '12
    May 7, 2020
    Class of 2002 UVM alumnus Ben Katz is a detective in the Vermont State Police’s major crimes unit whose work to investigate homicides, process crime scenes and interview witnesses has changed in the world of COVID-19. His wife, Megan Malgeri, a Class of 2012 alumna of the Larner College of Medicine and family medicine specialist, now sees most of her patients via telehealth visits. They are working to safely balance their roles as professionals and parents of two young children during the pandemic.
  • American Academy of Arts & Sciences Elects Susan Wallace to Its Membership
    April 27, 2020
    The American Academy of Arts & Sciences has announced the election of University of Vermont Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Emerita Susan Wallace, Ph.D., to its membership, in recognition of her status as a world leader in the sciences. Wallace joins 275 new members elected on April 23, 2020.
  • Dauerman Coauthors Statement on Heart Attack Care During COVID-19 Pandemic
    April 27, 2020
    UVM Professor Harold Dauerman, M.D., and other representatives of the American College of Cardiology, American College of Emergency Physicians and Society of Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, issued guidlines to help clinicians make decisions about treatment alternatives for heart attack patients in the environment of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
  • The Vermont Integrated Curriculum During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    April 22, 2020
    For first-year students, the COVID-19 pandemic has meant the interruption of active learning sessions on campus as well as the suspension of the Doctoring in Vermont course that sends students into primary care offices throughout Vermont. Karen Lounsbury, Ph.D., director of the Foundations level of the Vermont Integrated Curriculum, says faculty have stepped up to the challenge the pandemic has presented.
  • Celebrating Student Research
    April 22, 2020
    Over one dozen Larner College of Medicine medical, doctoral students and Master of Public Health degree students recently presented their research alongside hundreds of peers from across UVM for the first-ever virtual Student Research Conference.
  • Cancer Center Team Presents National Model to Reduce Blood Clots in Patients
    April 21, 2020
    Often-deadly blood clots are a common complication of cancer care, yet less than five percent of patients receive education on how to prevent them. A team of clinician-researchers at the UVM Cancer Center have published an evidence-based prevention “roadmap” found to reduce blood clots by 38 percent in the highest-risk patients.
  • Larner Responds: Feeding Healthcare Workers
    April 17, 2020
    The "COVID-19: The Larner Community Responds" series highlights stories about Larner College of Medicine students, faculty and staff who are answering the call for help during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Larner Responds: Tapping the Community to Protect Frontline Workers
    April 10, 2020
    At businesses and locations around Vermont that are currently closed or operating at a reduced level, personal protective equipment (PPE) is sitting unused. It’s in short supply around the country in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Vivek Chittineni, M.D., along with three University of Vermont (UVM) Larner College of Medicine students, are spearheading a drive to stockpile PPE, some of it for UVM Medical Center (UVMMC).
  • Bates and Vermont Team Invent Emergency Ventilator
    May 5, 2020
    Over the last three weeks, a team of scientists, engineers and doctors at the University of Vermont, including Professor of Medicine Jason Bates, have developed a new design—and built a working model—for a simple, inexpensive ventilator.
  • “Eye Opening and Frame-Shifting:” Alum and Student Connect through White Coat Note
    April 8, 2020
    Medical student Adam Ross ’22 keeps a piece of paper tacked to the wall above his desk. It’s a brief note from Vito Imbasciani, Ph.D., M.D.’85, that Ross discovered tucked in the pocket of the white coat he received as a first-year Larner College of Medicine student in September of 2018.