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Anne Dougherty, MD, Teaching Academy Member and Director for Gender Equity and Associate Professor of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, was recently awarded a New Program grant from the University of Vermont Medical Center for New American Girls on the Rise, a targeted mentorship and enrichment program for middle and high school girls from Chittenden County refugee and immigrant groups.

Katie Wells, MD, MPH, Teaching Academy Member and Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine was named as the inaugural Director of Social Medicine in the Office of Medical Education (OME) at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, effective April 3, 2023.

Leslie Young, MD, Teaching Academy Member and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, has been recognized with a Trailblazer Honorable Mention as part of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative, or NIH HEAL Initiative Director’s Awards.

Finding Affinity and Mentorship Program

UVM Larner College of Medicine (LCOM) and the UVM College of Nursing (CNHS) are working to develop an affinity and mentorship program for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color) medical and nursing students. The "F.A.M." program or, Finding Affinity and Mentorship, is designed to be group-based, and promote interprofessional and multi-level mentorship opportunities. The reason for creating a "group based" mentorship program is so that mentors can share the mentorship responsibilities, and to decrease minority tax on BIPOC mentors. The program will also offer social events and networking, as well as opportunities to engage with the greater Burlington community. 

The FAM program directors are seeking faculty who are interested in serving as mentors for the program.  If you are interested in serving as a mentor, please respond to this sign-up survey: https://qualtrics.uvm.edu/jfe/form/SV_56kOzy1BLnaVBXw If you are interested in learning more about the program, please contact: anisha.rimal@uvmhealth.orgThis program is funded through the UVMHN Medical Group Educational Scholarship Award (supported by the LCOM Teaching Academy)

Accepting applications: AMA Academic Coaching Implementation Workshop

The AMA invites those with an interest in academic coaching in medical school or residency to apply to attend our AMA Academic Coaching Implementation Workshop. As part of the AMA ChangeMedEd initiative, this workshop helps equip leaders and educators, who have—or anticipate having—significant responsibility for developing and implementing coaching programs in undergraduate or graduate medical education, with the knowledge and skills needed to implement, refine and evaluate a successful coaching program. Participants will join a community of academic faculty with similar interests from across the country to learn, network, and share information. The deadline for submissions is May 1. Learn more and apply now.

MERC Virtual Workshop Registration Now Open!

Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 virtual MERC workshop series. The cost for registration is $125 per workshop. You may register for all eight workshops in a series or select a single workshop from our a la carte menu. The program is open to all who are interested in improving their educational research skills and is targeted for those with a background in medical education but relatively less experience in conducting educational research. The courses are targeted for clinicians and other educators who desire to learn research skills that will enable collaborative participation in medical education research projects. To register for one or more of the workshops in the program please visit the registration page

Please ensure that you are registering for the appropriate workshop(s). Requests for refunds will not be accepted. For questions regarding registration please contact the MERC staff at merc@aamc.org

AAMC: Teaching for Quality (Te4Q) Spring 2023

A longitudinal professional development program to equip faculty to lead, design, implement, and evaluate effective learning in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) across the continuum of health professional development. The 2023 course includes 8, 90-minute, virtual synchronous and iterative sessions + educational project + asynchronous discussions. To achieve optimal benefits, successful course completion requires attendance at the majority of live sessions, asynchronous engagement, and educational project development. Click here for more information and to register.

New Resource: Questions and Quandaries: How to respond to reviewer comments

Kuper A, O'Sullivan P, Cleland J. Questions and Quandaries: How to respond to reviewer comments. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2023 Mar;28(1):7-12. doi: 10.1007/s10459-023-10213-2

IAMSE 2023 Medical Education Mentoring and Fellowship Programs

Inaugural IAMSE Mentoring (M-REACH) Certificate Program

The M-REACH mentoring certificate program provides an opportunity to enhance skills, gain experience, and engage in reflection and growth as a mentor and ultimately influence your relationship with your mentee. The goal of this program is to develop well-rounded, diverse health profession education mentors through targeted professional development in key aspects of mentorship, which includes both knowledge and skills. The program will provide evidence of that mentorship leads to specialized achievement that enhances and supports career advancement for both mentors and mentees. Applicants for this cohort will be accepted until April 15, 2023. Apply here

2023 Medical Educator Fellowship (MEF) Program

The primary goal of the MEF is to support the development of well-rounded healthcare education scholars through a program of targeted professional development and application of learned concepts to mentored research projects. The program is designed for healthcare educators from all backgrounds who wish to enhance their knowledge and productivity as educational scholars. Please note applicants are required to have completed the Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) Program as a prerequisite. For more detailed information about the program, please visit the information on our website at http://www.iamse.org/fellowship-program/. Applicants for the next cohort will be accepted until April 15, 2023.

Questions about The Teaching Academy?
Please contact: teaching.academy@med.uvm.edu

Recent Publications by Teaching Academy Members

Integrating Social Determinants of Health Principles into the Preclinical Medical Curriculum via Student-Led Pedagogical Modalities
Kneer K, Zhang E, Harkness T, Lahey T, Lounsbury K. Integrating Social Determinants of Health Principles into the Preclinical Medical Curriculum via Student-Led Pedagogical Modalities. BMC Medical Education (in press).

Internal Medicine Intern Preparedness to Document Clinical Encounters in the Era of Open Notes: a Needs Assessment Survey
Schiller PT, Wong CJ, Golob AL, Kimel-Scott K, Sobel HG, Pasanen ME, Pincavage AT. Internal Medicine Intern Preparedness to Document Clinical Encounters in the Era of Open Notes: a Needs Assessment Survey. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 Feb 22. doi: 10.1007/s11606-023-08099-2

Early adversities accelerate epigenetic aging into adulthood: a 10-year, within-subject analysis
Copeland WE,
Shanahan L, McGinnis EW, Aberg KA, van den Oord EJCG. Early adversities accelerate epigenetic aging into adulthood: a 10-year, within-subject analysis. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2022 Nov;63(11):1308-1315. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.13575

Long-term Outcomes of Childhood Family Income Supplements on Adult Functioning
Copeland WE, Tong G, Gaydosh L, Hill SN, Godwin J, Shanahan L, Costello EJ. Long-term Outcomes of Childhood Family Income Supplements on Adult Functioning. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Oct 1;176(10):1020-1026. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.2946

Wolf's isotopic response: A case of dermatomal granuloma annulare after COVID-19 vaccination
Esfandiari N,
Benson P, Morley K. Wolf's isotopic response: A case of dermatomal granuloma annulare after COVID-19 vaccination. JEADV Clin Pract. 2022; 1– 3. https://doi.org/10.1002/jvc2.90

Bleeding complication following a shave biopsy in a patient taking ibrutinib
Esfandiari N
, Bombardier N,  Pierson JC. (2022). Bleeding complication following a shave biopsy in a patient taking ibrutinib. Dermatology Online Journal, 28(6). https://doi.org/10.5070/D328659727

Recent Publications to Note

Performance of ChatGPT on USMLE: Potential for AI-assisted medical education using large language models
Kung TH, Cheatham M, Medenilla A, Sillos C, De Leon L, Elepaño C, Madriaga M, Aggabao R, Diaz-Candido G, Maningo J, Tseng V. Performance of ChatGPT on USMLE: Potential for AI-assisted medical education using large language models. PLOS Digital Health. 2023 Feb 9;2(2):e0000198. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pdig.0000198

Ethical use of artificial intelligence in health professions education: AMEE Guide No.158
Masters K. Ethical use of artificial intelligence in health professions education: AMEE Guide No.158. Medical Teacher. 13 Mar 2023. DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2186203

Enhancing Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Recruitment Through a Medical Student Mentorship Network: A Qualitative Study
Kishore A, DiGiovanni M, Sun KL, et al. Enhancing Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Recruitment Through a Medical Student Mentorship Network: A Qualitative Study. Acad Psychiatry 47, 124–133 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40596-022-01700-6 

Artificial Intelligence Screening of Medical School Applications: Development and Validation of a Machine-Learning Algorithm
Triola M, Reinstein I, Marin M, Gillespie C, Abramson S, Grossman R, Rivera R. Artificial Intelligence Screening of Medical School Applications: Development and Validation of a Machine-Learning Algorithm. Academic Medicine, March 06, 2023. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005202  

“A whole new perspective on how the body fits together”—An evaluation of a cadaver laboratory experience for high school students
Cale AS, Byram JN, Organ JM, Schmalz NA. “A whole new perspective on how the body fits together”—An evaluation of a cadaver laboratory experience for high school students. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2022 Oct 18. https://doi.org/10.1096/fasebj.2020.34.s1.03306 

Prior anatomy experience among medical students: What difference does it make?
d'Arnaud L, Husmann PR. Prior anatomy experience among medical students: What difference does it make?. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2022 Dec 1. https://doi.org/10.1002/ase.2238

Peer-Assisted Learning in Undergraduate Medical Education for Resilience and Well-being
Snapp C, Bassett C, Baldwin A,  et al. Peer-Assisted Learning in Undergraduate Medical Education for Resilience and Well-being. Med.Sci.Educ. 33, 5–6 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-022-01702-x

Designing a Shortened Preclinical Basic Science Curriculum: Expert-Derived Recommendations
Held N, Jimenez S, Lockspeiser T, Adams J. Designing a Shortened Preclinical Basic Science Curriculum: Expert-Derived Recommendations. Academic Medicine. March 24, 2023. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005221

Active Bystander Training: Using Standardized Patient Methodology to Teach Residents to Navigate Microaggressions in Patient Encounters
Famouri ML, Hernandez S, Omlor RL, Lane-Brown M, Evans SM, McIntosh D, Denizard-Thompson N. Active Bystander Training: Using Standardized Patient Methodology to Teach Residents to Navigate Microaggressions in Patient Encounters. MedEdPORTAL. 2023;19:11298. https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11298

The Case for Feedback-in-Practice as a Topic of Educational Scholarship
Cianciolo A, Regehr G. The Case for Feedback-in-Practice as a Topic of Educational Scholarship. Academic Medicine 98(3):p 317-321, March 2023. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005013

Regional/National Call for Proposals 

Now Accepting Pre-Proposals for the 2023 National Educational Research Grant Award

The GEA seeks to fund research projects that address important problems or questions in medical education. Proposals that foster collaboration are strongly encouraged.  This includes collaborations among GEA sections (UME, GME, CPD), across GEA regions (CGEA, NEGEA, SGEA, WGEA) and/or proposals that engage multiple schools, professions, or departments. Multiple projects may be funded each year up to $10,000 each up to a two-year grant period. The number of proposals funded per year will depend upon the GEA budget and proposal quality. Pre-proposals are due on February 20, 2023, by 11:59 PM PT. Full proposals are due April 11, 2023, by 11:59 PM PT. Full Proposal decisions are anticipated near June 1st, 2023. All information is also on the AAMC Website: https://www.aamc.org/professional-development/affinity-groups/gea/national-grant-proposals-call


Teaching Academy in the News

  • Hundreds Attend AAMC Northeast Group on Educational Affairs Conference at Larner
    April 16, 2023 by Janet Essman Franz and Jennifer Nachbur
    Nearly 300 medical college educators and learners from throughout the northeastern U.S. gathered at the University of Vermont April 13-15 for the Northeast Group on Educational Affairs annual conference.
  • Khadanga Highlights Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training in Cardiac Rehab for Women
    February 13, 2023 by Nancy Brooks for UVM Health Network
    Sherrie Khadanga, M.D., M.S., assistant professor of medicine at UVM's Larner College of Medicine and assistant director of cardiac rehabilitation at the UVM Medical Center, was recently featured in a UVM Health Network HealthSource blog post titled "Women Find Strength with Cardiac Rehab" that focused on how High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) exercise can help women's recovery after a cardiac event.

April 2023

NEGEA 2023 Annual Conference

Fostering Personal and Professional Vitality in Academic Medicine

April 13-15, 2023

The Robert Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont

Register now for 2 1/2 days of scholarship, networking, and camaraderie with colleagues across the region right here in Burlington!



Upcoming Events

Portfolio Workshop

Wednesday, April 5; 12:00-12:30pm; Zoom

Drop in consultations on the Teaching Academy Portfolio Application process. Hosted by the Teaching Academy’s Conference and Member Event Coordinator, Amanda Broder, with Teaching Academy member co-hosts.

Come with a specific question or general wonderings about the Teaching Portfolio, Letter of Support, Standardized LCOM CV format, Teaching Evaluations Table template, Teaching Portfolio examples, advancing to the next level of membership, and even the Member Renewal process! For Zoom information, contact teaching.academy@med.uvm.edu

NEGEA 2023 Annual Conference

Thursday, April 13-Saturday, April 15; LCOM

"Fostering Personal and Professional Vitality in Academic Medicine" The NEGEA is one of four regional groups of the AAMC’s Group on Educational Affairs (GEA). Its purpose is to promote excellence in the education of medical students, residents and physicians through the professional development of medical educators. Regional meetings provide a forum for exchanging ideas, learning new strategies and developing plans that may facilitate your own work and the implementation of the NEGEA’s mission. Visit the Conference website for details.


Clinical Faculty Development Series

Thursday, April 20; 7:30-8:30am; Zoom

"Career Development as a Clinical Educator: What is Your Narrative?" with Rebecca Wilcox, MD
This 3-part virtual faculty development series will cover all the major topics for Medical Education during the Clerkship. This program is available to all teachers, residents, fellows, faculty, and staff (e.g., clerkship coordinators). Each part (101, 201, and 301) consists of one-hour sessions with the curriculum to repeat every 3 years. The curriculum is available at all teaching sites. Contact teaching.academy@med.uvm.edu for Zoom details. For information about this series, click here.


Writers Workshop

Thursday, April 20; 8:00-9:00am; Zoom

A group of regular Teaching Academy members meets the 3rd Thursday of the month to review and discuss your scholarly work on education topics. Bring work in any stage of development – manuscripts, conference proposals, research proposals, etc. Please sign up at least a week in advance by emailing teaching.academy@med.uvm.edu