Early Childhood

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The health and wellbeing of children in their early years of life affect future learning, behavior and health.  VCHIP’s Early Childhood work focuses on promoting healthy development for all Vermont children, including their physical, social, and emotional growth.  Our work addresses environmental factors, such as lead, health related social needs, supporting early relational health, and promoting physical activity in preschools.

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  • DULCE Family Advisory Council

We are recruiting families who participated in DULCE to serve as on the DULCE Family Advisory Council.  Contact Rachel Wallace Brodeur for additional information. 

  • Vermont Touchpoints

Vermont Touchpoints has received funding from Vermont’s Maternal and Child Health program to provide trainings, free to participants, in 2023-2024.  Visit the Vermont Touchpoints site to learn more about scheduled trainings.

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Current Projects
Improving Blood Lead Screening Rates
Children & Teachers (CATS) on the Move

Supporting VT's Early Childhood System through QI

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