Join our Scholarly Quality Improvement Interest Group
Interest Group Vision: We close gaps in health care and share what we learn 
What gaps do we close? We seek to network with UVM Department of Medicine faculty who wish to conduct scholarly activities related to the six aims for improving health care that were proposed by the Institute of Medicine in their landmark report, Crossing the Quality Chasm: Safety, Timeliness, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Equity, and Patient-centeredness. A faculty member does not need to engage in scholarly activities related to all six aims to be part of this interest group.
Eligibility: We welcome any UVM Department of Medicine faculty member who is interested in conducting scholarly activities related to the above six aims. Examples include, but are not limited to, clinic-based quality improvement projects, patient safety initiatives, panel management projects, EPIC data evaluations, curriculum evaluation, high value care projects, etc. Faculty in the Clinical Scholar Pathway are especially encouraged to participate. Beginners are also encouraged to attend. Please contact us if you want to join the group.
Expectations: This interest group is based on a foundation of networking, peer support, and mentoring. We expect that you want to engage in scholarly Quality Improvement activities that address one or more of the six aims AND that you want to publish your work broadly (e.g. peer-reviewed manuscript, workshop at a regional or national meeting, poster). We also expect that you want to contribute your ideas to this interest group and make it a successful resource to yourself and others.