Rules Wizard How-To
Outlook Rules Wizard can be used to manage e-mail. Messages that you receive can be automatically routed from your Inbox to a folder of your choosing.
Create a subfolder in your Inbox to receive the filtered e-mail. For this example, we are routing e-mail that might be unsolicited commercial e-mail (SPAM), and have created a folder called Suspected SPAM.
After you have your folder created, choose "Tools" from the Outlook menu, then "Rules Wizard," and select New.
Select "Start from a blank rule" and "Check messages when they arrive." Click Next.
For conditions, you only need to check "With specific words in the subject." In the Rule description box, click on "specific words."
Enter the text you would like to use as your filter in the "Specify words or phrases" box and click the Add button. Shown here is an example of what you would type to filter suspected SPAM, as rated by the PureMessage program that UVM has implemented. The number of hash-marks (up to 5) in the phrase is how likely the message is SPAM. Since I'm using 4, [SPAM?:####, I'll catch all the messages with either 4 or 5 hash-marks, but none with less than 4. Even so, some of the newsletters I subscribe to will be moved to the SPAM folder (nothing's perfect when it comes to filters). Click OK and then Next.
Choose "move it to the specified folder" and click on "specified" in the Rules description pane.
In the "Choose a folder" box, highlight the folder you created for this purpose and click OK.
Click Next.
No changes (exceptions) are necessary in the "Add any exceptions" box. Click Next.
Name the rule to your liking (or accept the default name), make sure "Turn on this rule" is checked and click Finish.
Click OK to finish the process.
With this rule active, messages that meet the criteria you've set will be moved out of your Inbox. You can then check those messages periodically to see if any are actually ones you would like to see.