Heather Blackburn, DSc, PT, PCS


Dr. Heather Blackburn is a physical therapist living in St Albans, VT. She earned her undergraduate PT degree from UVM in 1997 and doctorate degree in Rehabilitation Sciences with a pediatric emphasis from the University of Oklahoma in 2013. Dr. Blackburn is an alumni of the VT LEND program graduating in 2011 and holds her Pediatric Clinical Specialty Certification. For 11 years, she provided school based PT services in Yup'ik and Inupiat villages in rural Alaska. Currently,  Dr. Blackburn provides early intervention PT services for the Tanana Chief's Council in the villages near Fairbanks, AK. She also provides school based services in St Albans VT and is part time professor at UVM as well.  In her spare time, she heads to the great outdoors with her husband and three small children.