Center for Biomedical Shared Resources: Who We Are and What We Do!
CBSR Online Brochure (pdf)
CBSR Advisory Groups (pdf)

One of Microscopy Imaging Center's own selected as a 2023 Dean's Excellence in Research Award Winner!

Thursday, September 21st Nicole Bouffard, Senior Lab/Research Technician & Imaging and Analysis Specialist was selected in the category of Scientific Research Staff as the 2023 winner! To learn more about the Dean's Excellence in Research celebration, keep reading...

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(Left to right): Dr. Kate Tracy, Larner College of Medicine Senior Associate Dean for Research, Nicole Bouffard, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine and Microscopy Imaging Center, Imaging & Analyst Specialist, and Dean Richard Page, Dean of UVM's Larner College of Medicine. Photo credit: D. Seaver.

About the Center

The Northern New England region is among the most rural in the U.S. with limited access to shared resources and technologies that provide obligatory support to advance biomedical research and enhance network collaborations. To address this unmet need, we have consolidated our leading research core facilities into a new Center for Biomedical Shared Resources (CBSR) to offer an innovative, dynamic, integrated model of core facilities. Based on “TeamScience”, we can provide pioneering approaches and technologies to faculty, students, and investigators throughout the region, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and advancing discovery. The CBSR will leverage extensive NIGMS investment in the region and provide a unique and vital role in our rural research environment to serve clients who otherwise would not have local or regional access to unified complex service and instrumentation at competitive, affordable prices. The CBSR cores relocated to the first floor of the Firestone Medical Research Building following completion of building construction at the end of 2022.

The creation of the CBSR is supported by NIH C06 Award 1C06OD030087-01 to Dr. Gordon Jensen


Research Technologies Seminar Series Screenshot_smaller

2nd Wednesday, HSRF 200 - Noon-1pm

Fall 2024 Series


Sept. 11, 2024 -
Oct. 9, 2024 - 
Nov. 13, 2024 - 
Dec. 11, 2024 - 


Is there a particular research technology for your research that you'd like to use? Do you want to better understand a particular CBSR process? Please let us know by emailing your ideas:


Sept 23-27, 2024 - Save-the-Date - LCOM Dean's Celebration of Excellence in Research


Welcome to the new Center for Biomedical Shared Resources space and meet core staff from: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting, Microscopy Imaging Center, Proteomics Facility, and Vermont Integrative Genomics Resource (VIGR). See us in our natural habitat as we engage, design, collaborate, and research interesting projects every day! Research is at our core! To learn more about us and our services view our brochure linked below.
 CBSR online brochure (pdf)

iLab Organizer

The CBSR facilities use the iLab Organizer website for service requests and booking equipment. Visit the iLab organizer website here.



Join the Northern New England Clinical and Translational Research Network by clicking here.


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