Cognitive Health After Menopause (CHAMP) Research Study
Did you know that 2/3 of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) patients in America are women?
Tremendous strides have been made in Alzheimer's Disease research over the past several years, but we do not know why the risk for Alzheimer's Disease is higher for women.
We are hoping to study whether biological, brain, and memory changes that occur at menopause are connected to late life risk for Alzheimer's Disease. This study is funded by the National Institutes of Health.
Understanding the biological, cognitive, and lifestyle factors that may differ between women after menopause is critical for helping us understand the increased risk for cognitive changes in women as they age.

You may be eligible to participate if you are:
- A woman between 50-70 years of age
- Postmenopausal (no menstrual period for one year)
- Nonsmoker
- Have not taken any type of hormone treatment in the past 12 months
Why Should I Participate?
- Women are at increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD).
- To help study whether biological, brain, and memory changes that occur at menopause are connected to late life risk for AD.
What is Involved?
Interested women will undergo a telephone screening to determine eligibility.
If you agree to participate in the study, you will complete a screening visit that will take place over video conference as well as in person. The screening visit will take approximately 3 hours and will take place at the Clinical Research Center
(CRC) at the University of Vermont Medical Center. We will conduct the interview and cognitive assessment portions by video conference while you are at the CRC in a room next door to the investigators. You will also have a physical exam and standard
medical test.
After you are deemed eligible to continue participation, you will be scheduled for four (4) study visits at the University of Vermont Medical Center. Those visits will include two (2) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain scans, Positron Emission
Tomography (PET) brain scan, and Lumbar Puncture.
Participants will receive monetary compensation for time and efforts.
Where Are We Located
The Clinical Research Center is located at Shepardson 2
University of Vermont Medical Center
111 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of participating in this study?
- You will be contributing to knowledge of how menopause affects brain functioning and risk for Alzheimer's Disease in later life.
How Long is the Study?
- 2-3 months for each participant.
Do I get the results of my study?
- We will notify you if there are any clinically significant findings in your tests.
How has the Coronavirus affected the study?
- We are following all public health guidelines provided by UVMMC and UVM during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are minimizing the time you will spend with research staff by using video conferencing. All staff will wear facial coverings and we ask that
you do as well. Everyone will have their temperature taken before entering UVMMC. If you are interested in participating we will explain these procedures over the telephone.