About Us

The Division conducts cutting-edge research at the basic, translational, and clinical levels while maintaining an exemplary center for superb patient care for patients in Vermont and upstate New York.

Our educational mission provides training to LCOM and visiting medical students and residents, undergraduates, post-baccalaureates, and graduate students, as well as offering Endocrinology Fellowships.

The Division's basic research is focused on

  • integrative physiology and metabolism,
  • nutrition,
  • pancreatic beta-cell biology, and
  • adipocyte and skeletal muscle biology.

We are also involved in clinical and translational research and clinical trials involving

  • incretin biology,
  • new product development,
  • hypertension,
  • obesity and nutrition,
  • insulin resistance, and 
  • cardiovascular outcomes.

The Fellowship Program in Endocrinology trains two endocrine fellows each academic year and the training includes both inpatient and outpatient experiences as well as a research component. Our Division also provides endocrinology education to medical students and to residents in Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and other specialties as they rotate through our Division.

We strive to deliver seamless system-wide diabetes care and collaborate with primary care providers to attend to hospitalized patients, especially those with diagnosed or new-onset diabetes. Our diabetes care team offers targeted glycemic control classes to individuals, families and groups.