New York Times
“'The Other Option Is Death’: New York Starts Sharing of Ventilators”

Joshua Farkas, M.D., associate professor of medicine

Read the story.

NBC News
“Why have 14,000 people volunteered to be infected with coronavirus?”

Beth Kirkpatrick, M.D., chair of microbiology and molecular genetics

Read the story.

New York Times
“In Harm’s Way”

Stephen Berns, M.D., associate professor of family medicine

Read the story.

USA Today
“You’re not ‘too busy’ to stay active during quarantine: Health experts worry about blood clots, weight gain”

Mary Cushman, M.D., M.Sc., professor of medicine

Read the story.

Associated Press
“Virus spike in Vermont city hits immigrant communities”

M.P.H. student Bidur Dahal

Read the story.

“UVM medical students connect virtually with nursing homes to combat loneliness”

Claudia Russell ’22 and Ashleigh Peterson ’22

Watch the segment.

New York Times
Op-ed titled “An Unproven Vaccine Is Too Risky”

Tim Lahey, M.D., M.MSc., professor of medicine

Read the op-ed.

Science Friday
“Blood Clots Linked To COVID-19 Are Raising Alarm”

Mary Cushman, M.D., M.Sc., professor of medicine

Listen to the segment.

NBC10 Boston/New England Cable News
“Help Needed: VT Governor Calls All Hands on Deck to Aid Emergency Response”

Hillary Danis ’21

Watch the segment,

Web Extra

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