he UVM MRI Center is a research-dedicated facility that specializes in functional, quantitative, and static brain imaging. We have a full complement of multi-channel, parallel imaging "SENSE or Compressed SENSE" coils for abdominal, orthopedic, and most anatomic regions of the body. For neurological applications, we have two SENSE compatible receive coils, including a 32-channel head coil and a 16-channel neurovascular coil.
The UVM MRI Center is a core facility that supports researchers from the Larner College of Medicine and across the University. Many of the projects we support include the following techniques: pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL), functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and cartilage and ACL assessment with 3D T1w TFE, T1 rho, and ultra-short TE (UTE). We have also developed the ability to image rats and mice and we are able to accommodate a limited number of such projects. MRI provides a valuable data point to researchers and we encourage you to take full advantage of our services. Jiming Zhang, Ph.D. serves as our dedicated MRI physicist and we are staffed by ARRT licensed MRI technologists with many years of MRI experience, who are available to assist you in the design and implementation of your research project.
We welcome new investigators and new research projects, so please contact us at: 802-847-4117.