Images from the 2021 Society of Research Investigators (SRI)

Nursing Modifies the Immune Profile in Postpartum Mice.
Pauline DiGianvittorio, Marlena Tyldesley, Kritika Prakash, Elizabeth Bonney(below) 

Dr. Elizabeth Bonney at SRI in Boston


Attenuated Piezo 1-Mediated Vasodilation In the Reduced Uteroplacental Perfusion Model of Preeclampsia in Rat.Danielle Marasa, Susannah Chilton(below), Annie Glessner-Fischer, Nga Ling K(below)  Larner College of Medicine – University of Vermont – Burlington, VT USA

Dr. Ko and Lab Technician Susannah Chilton at SRI In Boston



Attenuated Piezo 1-Mediated Vasodilation In the Reduced Uteroplacental Perfusion Model of Preeclampsia in Rat. Danielle Marasa, Susannah Chilton(shown below), Annie Glessner-Fischer, Nga Ling K Larner College of Medicine – University of Vermont – Burlington, VT USA

Susannah Chilton at SRI in Boston





Dr. David Coggins-Carr, Dr. Elizabeth Bonney at SRI in Boston