The Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences maintains an active program of research that includes both clinical and basic science investigations relevant to women's health. Our research is supported by extramural and intramural funding & derived from a combination of federal, private and pharmaceutical sources.
Patient-oriented studies are conducted in the University of Vermont Medical Center hospital environment, which includes the 16-bed UVM General Clinical Research Center one of approximately 80 centers nationwide, and an excellent resource for clinical investigations. Basic science investigations are carried out in the Given Building, which is part of the Health Science Research Facility that houses The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont. The Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences occupies approximately 4,000 square feet of space dedicated to laboratory investigation.
The Department is committed to supporting both clinical and basic research and to the integration of research activity into our educational mission, which includes intern/residency training and fellowship programs in maternal-fetal medicine and reproductive endocrinology. In addition, our laboratories host medical students, graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, and undergraduates seeking to obtain direct, hands-on student experience in biomedical research. As described in the associated links, there are ample opportunities for both student and patient participation in research activity, as well as external and internal funding mechanisms for providing research support.
The research, while under the broad aegis of women's health, is quite diverse, and includes ongoing investigations into the:
Vascular Biology of Pregnancy
Educational Programming
Maternal and Neonatal Immunology and Infectious Disease
Global Women's Health and Family Planning
Healthcare Policy and Healthcare Services
Clinical Trials in Women's Health
Opportunities for Students
Our department offers several opportunities for research or scholarly activities in areas including basic research in reproductive biology, global health, family planning, educational research, quality and policy in women’s health, clinical and translational research in women’s cardiovascular biology and opioid addiction.
Priority for these opportunities is given to students enrolled at the University of Vermont, however, students from other institutions underrepresented in medicine and science from inside and outside US institutions are encouraged to contact us.
- Undergraduate students. UVM undergraduate students will need to find an OB/GYN faculty/lab to work in for the semester. The OB/GYN faculty member and the student will come up with a research plan. The student and the OB/GYN faculty will inform the Director, Dr. Nallasamy for permission into OBGY2995. At the end of the semester, the OB/GYN faculty will submit a letter grade to Dr. Nallasamy.
- Medical Students
OBGY-1007: OBGyn Research Elective (4th Year UVM Students Only). Medical students seeking a brief introduction into women’s health research or begin a limited (less or equal to two months) research experience should complete the Interest Form found in the Course Catalog on Oasis and return to Sara Tourville.
Simulation Center Internship
Students seeking a limited project in educational research in the simulation center should apply for a Simulation center internship at least 6 months before the requested start date with Dr. Cate Nicholas.
If, after careful consideration of this information and review of the list of potential mentors, there are remaining questions, potential students may direct inquiries to Elizabeth Bonney, M.D., M.P.H.
Interested students are STRONGLY encouraged to click here to see the list of OB/GYN Faculty Interests.
Funding Opportunities