Educational Technologies

The Educational Technologies (EdTech) Team is here to help operationalize your ideas using appropriate technology tools in the classroom. We welcome visits and find that conversations with faculty help generate innovative ideas in order to create the most engaging learning environments for our learners.  That is how we decided to implement many of the technologies that are currently in use in our curriculum. Please reach out to us directly ( with educational technology questions or ideas at any time.

When will we work together?

We typically see faculty once they’ve selected a teaching modality and developed independent learning and in-class objectives for their particular area of the curriculum. We are ready to work with you to select an effective way to teach your subject matter using any of tools at our disposal. We also welcome faculty to come by if they have an idea on how they’d like to improve their teaching materials, if they’ve heard of a particular technology they’d like to try or if they would like to become more comfortable using technology in the classroom.

Larner College of Medicine Learning Spaces

Larner Classroom Empty

Larner Classroom

Capacity 125 People

  • Distributed seating
  • Surface Studio Computer
  • 9 monitors
  • Sound Reinforcement
    • 2 Lavalier
    • 2 handheld mics
Reardon Classroom Emtpy

Reardon Classroom

Capacity 125 People

  • Distributed seating
  • Surface Studio Computer
  • 7 monitors
  • Sound reinforcement
    • 2 Lavalier
    • 2 handheld mics
  • VC capable – 1 instructor, 1 audience camera
Sullivan Classroom Empty

Sullivan Classroom

Capacity 125 People

  • Stadium seating
  • 3 Projection screens
  • Sound reinforcement
  • 2 Lavalier
  • 2 handheld mics
  • 3 panel mics
  • VC capable – 1 instructor, 2 audience cameras