Research Overview

researchWe study DNA, RNA, and proteins — analyzing their synthesis and structure as well as their actions and interactions. We use physical techniques that include spectroscopy and crystallography, cell biological techniques including multispectral confocal microscopy and cell sorting, biochemical techniques such as enzyme purification and characterization, along with molecular biological techniques and genetics including single-cell genomic and epigenomic analysis. By attacking problems using these complementary approaches, we have developed a collaborative environment.

Our departmental missions include teaching, scholarship, and research with more than 80% of our faculty funded for their research programs through the NIH, NSF, AHA, ASH, DOE, or NHF. These grants, coupled with our frequent receipt of NIH Shared Instrumentation awards, have allowed us to provide state-of-the-art research instrumentation for our faculty and students. Our faculty are world-recognized leaders -- several serving as officers in different national and international scientific organizations and others serving as regular study-section members. We are heavily involved in the educational activities of the College, offering numerous courses for graduate, medical and undergraduate students.


Learn more about our faculty’s research here.