Resources & Facilities

Our shared facilities and resources provide researchers with sophisticated equipment and methodologies that help expand their work.

Institutional Resources - Core Facilities

Larner College of Medicine

  • Animal Care Management - animal care services and resources.
  • Bioinformatics Core - builds biomedical research capacity throughout the state by promoting faculty and student research at our Baccalaureate Partner Institutions (BPIs) - Castleton State College, Green Mountain College, Johnson State College, Lyndon State College, Middlebury College, Norwich University, and Saint Michael's College.
  • Biostatistical Bioinformatics Facility - a facility for developing and maintaining a comprehensive coordinated program of research support covering biostatistics, statistical genetics, and epidemiology for biomedical and health-related research activities including transcriptomics, spatial transcriptomics, and epigenomics. 
  • Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Laboratory and Inhalation Facility - this new lab will be located at the Colchester Research Facility providing a competitive environment for grants in specialized research, including specific infectious diseases.
  • Cryoelectron Microscopy Facility - research focuses on the three-dimensional structure determination of macromolecular assemblies using electron microscopy combined with image processing.
  • Flow Cytometry Facility - designed as a multi-user resource for high-speed analysis and sorting of cells.
  • Instrumentation & Model Facility - design and fabrication of custom mechanical, optical, electronic, and microcomputer-based instruments, parts, and models for UVM research.
  • Laboratory for Clinical Biochemistry Research - integrates epidemiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology to help assess cardiovascular risk factors.
  • Mass Spectrometry - used to measure stable isotopically labeled compounds used to study metabolism in humans.
  • Microscopy Imaging Center - imaging, including multispectral confocal microscopy, in the Biomedical and Materials sciences from tissues and surfaces to molecules.
  • MRI Center for Biomedical Imaging - a research-only facility that specializes in functional and static brain imaging.
  • Neuroscience Core - includes Imaging and Physiology, Cellular/Molecular, and Translational Research support.
  • Transgenic Mouse Facility - contains five bubble chambers for newly derived transgenic founders, storage rooms, and cleanroom housing the microinjecting laboratory. It is a strict barrier facility and maintains a pathogen-free environment.

University of Vermont Cancer Center

The cancer programs of the UVMCC are poised to understand the basic mechanisms causing cancer and provide novel dimensions to mechanistically and clinically understand cancer, cancer patients, and their social and physical environments.

To this effect, the UVMCC Core Facilities and Clinical Research Office support initiatives that range from gene regulatory mechanisms to investigator-initiated trials. The UVMCC cancer programs are exploring unique parameters of psychosocial and behavioral issues that are associated with cancer along with unique approaches to evaluating the quality of care and assessment of health outcomes; emphasis is placed on the delivery of cancer screening and treatment to rural and underserved populations.

  • Vermont Integrative Genomics Resource (VIGR) - an overarching umbrella encompassing three distinct shared resource facility arms: The University of Vermont Cancer Center DNA Analysis, the Vermont Biomedical Research Network (VBRN), and the University of Vermont Cancer Center-College of Medicine Massively Parallel Sequencing Facilities and the NNE-CTR Translational Research Technologies Core. Provides multiomic genomic sequencing technologies including single-cell analysis and spatial transcriptomic analysis to interrogate gene expression and epigenetic control. 
  • Biostatistics - develops and maintains a comprehensive coordinated program of research support covering biostatistics, statistical genetics, and epidemiology for biomedical and health-related research activities.
  • Flow Cytometry - provides state-of-the-art analytical flow cytometry capabilities to UVMCC researchers. Investigators can use flow cytometry to analyze cells or cellular components for a wide range of immunologic, intracellular, genetic, and morphological characteristics. The facility features an EPICS XL four-color analytical flow cytometer that is capable of simultaneously collecting data from up to eleven parameters in parallel.
  • Microscopy Imaging - designed as a multi-user resource for the collection and analysis of biological images for clinical and research applications. The MIC consists of ten microscopy-based imaging systems. At the light and electron microscopic levels, it provides state-of-the-art, quality-assured, morphologically oriented services. Small animal in vivo florescent and bioluminescent imaging. 
  • Clinical Research Center - Supports patient research including clinical trials.

The Northern New England Clinical and Translational Research Network 

The Northern New England Clinical & Translational Research Network (NNE-CTR) provides a foundation for research impacting the health and healthcare of our unique region. Our team offers financial support and research-related resources for investigators and community members who share our vision of eliminating health disparities and inequities in northern New England. From pilot project funding to professional development to research development expertise, we serve as a bridge connecting researchers, clinicians, and interested community members with the resources they need to successfully pursue meaningful and impactful clinical, translational, and community health projects.

Cardiovascular Research Institute 

The Cardiovascular Research Institute of Vermont was founded in 2002 as an organization dedicated to reducing the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of heart and vascular diseases through improving prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

By fostering collaborations among the different departments at The University of Vermont and The UVM Medical Center, CVRI-VT encourages critical thinking that challenges assumptions and promotes excellence in clinical practice.

Center for Biomedical Innovation 

UVM’s Center for Biomedical Innovation (CBI) aspires to be an internationally recognized hub for the design, development, and testing of biomedical devices and systems with a focus on rural healthcare. The center will also support and train inventors, entrepreneurs, and business leaders who will bring advanced biomedical technologies to the people of Vermont and the world.

Aging Center

The mission of the Center on Aging at the University of Vermont is to forge an ongoing collaboration among faculty, students, staff and programs within the University of Vermont, The University of Vermont Medical Center, and the Vermont community to promote a sense of well being and a high quality of life for older adults. The Center seeks to engage interested parties who wish to partner in the development and execution of programs that facilitate the health and welfare of older adults

Leahy Institute for Rural Partnerships 

The Leahy Institute for Rural Partnerships operates alongside the Office of Engagement with the mission to provide engagement opportunities and partnerships with the University of Vermont for the benefit of our rural places. The Leahy Institute will bring financial and technical assistance, access to UVM research, faculty expertise, student projects and internships, and established UVM startup and engagement programs. Together, we will collaborate on impactful solutions that drive positive change for Vermont and beyond.

OSHER Center

The Osher Center for Integrative Health is a collaboration between Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. It is focused on enhancing human health, resilience and quality of life through translational research, clinical practice and education in integrative medicine.

The Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research

 The Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research (CHSOR) is dedicated to multidisciplinary research on policies and practices. We place a significant emphasis on understanding their impact on the quality of care and patient-centered outcomes. Our mission is to utilize evidence-based research to drive positive changes. We prioritize research on Federal and state policy issues, especially those concerning vulnerable populations.

The Center for Biomedical Innovation

The University of Vermont's Center for Biomedical Innovation is committed to fostering entrepreneurial resilience and solving pressing problems impacting human health.

Program in Public and Public Health Policy

The program’s mission is to prepare skilled and versatile graduates dedicated to improving public health through practice, research, education, and leadership.

Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources

For 50 years the Rubenstein School has prepared environmentally and socially responsible leaders, scientists, practitioners, and advocates.