March 12, 2018 by
Jennifer Nachbur
March 9, 2018 by
Jennifer Nachbur
When he’s not busy leading the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, Dean Frederick Morin, M.D., likes to engage in challenging outdoor activities, so it was only natural for him to choose winter mountaineering as the focus of his fundraising campaign – “Three Peaks in Four Weeks” – in honor of the Class of 2018 and their Match Day.
March 8, 2018 by
Carolyn Shapiro
Learn more about the steps the UVM Larner College of Medicine is making to expand palliative care training in this article originally published in the Winter 2018 issue of Vermont Medicine.
March 5, 2018 by
Jennifer Nachbur
February 28, 2018 by
User Not Found
February 27, 2018 by
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February 27, 2018 by
Michelle Bookless
First-year University of Vermont (UVM) Larner College of Medicine medical student Sidney Hilker ’21 has been appointed as a Student Trustee to the UVM Board of Trustees. She succeeds student trustee and fellow medical student Soraiya Thura ’18 who’s two year-term will end on Thursday, March 1, 2018. Hilker's two-year term start on March 1, 2018 and end on March 1, 2020.
February 26, 2018 by
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Two years after it's creation, Robinson's dream of having "Here to Help" become a self-sustaining entity has come true. Last Spring, Robinson transitioned the leadership of the "Here to Help Clinic" to Schweitzer Fellows and second-year medical students Erin Hunt '20 and Rachael Munoz '20. Shortly thereafter, the "Here to Help" began to host a monthly clinic on the third Saturday of every month.
February 23, 2018 by
Jennifer Nachbur
February 14, 2018 by
Jennifer Nachbur
February 13, 2018 by
Karin Gray, M.D.
February 9, 2018 by
User Not Found
Beth Kirkpatrick, M.D., has been appointed as chair of the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Vermont, effective March 1, 2018.
February 9, 2018 by
Kari Brayden
Kari Brayden, student financial services coordinator at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, shares details regarding the current medical student debt environment, as well as financing options.
February 8, 2018 by
Madi Wood
At a Vermont Statehouse hearing on February 8th, 2018, UVM Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Mariah McNamara, M.D., testified in favor of new gun control legislation that would require universal background checks on all gun sales in the state of Vermont.
February 7, 2018 by
Madi Wood
On February 7, 2018, The Burlington Free interviewed Emily Tarleton, Ph.D., bionutrition research manager at the UVM Clinical Research Center, about a recent clinical trial conducted at the College relating to use of magnesium for treatment of mild to moderate depression.
February 6, 2018 by
Madi Wood
In a February 6 Tech Transfer Central article, Vice President for Research at the University of Vermont (UVM), Richard Galbraith, M.D., Ph.D., spoke about UVM's recent joining of the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI).
February 2, 2018 by
Jennifer Nachbur
Larner College of Medicine Senior Associate Dean for Research Gordon Jensen, M.D., Ph.D., and Research Committee Chair Matthew Wargo, Ph.D., have announced the next round of targeted pilot funding – the New Methodologies in Basic Research Grant Awards.
January 30, 2018 by
Michelle Bookless
UVM medical students are nothing if not multi-faceted and often use their vast and varied skill sets, talents, previous education, and work experiences to undertake groundbreaking projects and research in addition to their studies. Following in the footsteps of designMED Student Interest Group (SIG) founders Al Marchese '19, Lillian Chang, MD'17, and Anna Lidofsky '20, are Jhaimy Fernandez '21, Collin Anderson '21, Cari Carpenter '21, and Jenny Holland '21. The students are next in a growing group of #UVMFutureDocs who are combining their passion for medicine with an interest in innovation to positively impact and improve healthcare systems and technologies within the state of Vermont and beyond.
January 29, 2018 by
Jeffrey Wakefield
January 26, 2018 by
Jennifer Nachbur