University of Vermont Cancer Center Membership

The University of Vermont (UVM) Cancer Center is a matrix cancer center representing a partnership between the University of Vermont, the Larner College of Medicine and the University of Vermont Medical Center, integrating cancer research, education and clinical care. The UVM Cancer Center seeks members from across the University, UVM Health Network, as well as partners in our region who have a demonstrated commitment to cancer research and clinical care and who will bring diverse expertise to transdisciplinary research, education and clinical programs at the UVM Cancer Center.

Members of the University of Vermont Cancer Center participate in at least one of the research programs, which include Cancer Population Science, Cancer Host and Environment, and Cancer Cell. To learn more visit our research programs page. Members interested in clinical care and translational science have the opportunity to join one or more disease-focused transdisciplinary teams, where clinicians, physician-investigators, and scientists collaborate to deliver cutting edge care to our patient population.

Members are evaluated and appointed by University of Vermont Cancer Center Leadership and assigned membership in one of three categories: full member, associate member, clinical member, core clinical member, affiliate member and trainee member.  See below for complete descriptions of member categories.

UVM Affiliates apply for membership at the University of Vermont Cancer Center here.
Non-UVM Affiliates apply for membership at the University of Vermont Cancer Center here.

    Membership Criteria

    To be eligible for UVMCC membership, the applicant must maintain an appointment as full or part time faculty at the University of Vermont or maintain a Clinical or Research appointment/employment at one of the affiliated partners of UVMCC. Membership category is determined as follows.

  • Full Member +

    The applicant must meet one or more of the following criteria:

    • Be the Principal Investigator (PI), Multiple PI (MPI), or Project Director (PD) on NCI-approved peer- reviewed program-eligible awards or individual component of a multi-project award (e.g., R01, R21, R03, P01, U01, DOD, ACS, AICR, etc.)*. Peer-review is defined by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) but generally includes all federal organizations and large non-profits. For the list see link at bottom of this document.* Grants must include a clearly defined cancer focus.
    • Be PI of an investigator initiated interventional clinical trial
    • Serve in a leadership role in UVMCC (i.e. Senior Leadership Committee)
    • Director of a UVMCC shared resource
    • Serve as site PI for an NCI cooperative group (i.e. Alliance, NRG)

    Full members have the following benefits:

    • Eligibility to compete for UVMCC Developmental Funds and pilot projects
    • Eligible for $10,000 annually to pay for services from specific shared resources
    • Eligible to contribute to strategic planning initiatives
    • Association with a UVMCC Research Program
    • Invitation to scientific retreats, seminars and special programs
    • Personal profile inclusion on the UVMCC website
    • For junior investigators, access to UVMCC cancer research career development and mentoring programs
    • High impact publication costs covered (impact factor > 10) up to $2,000 per publication
    • Outside honorarium costs covered for external grant review up to $500 per submission

    Full members commit to:

    • Actively participate in at least one UVMCC research program or in the UVMCC clinical cancer enterprise
    • Develop Inter- and intra-programmatic research collaborations leading to publications and funding proposals
    • Provide annual updates of cancer-focused funding, publications, accruals, and leadership roles (nationally & institutionally) for UVMCC progress reports and presentations to the External Advisory Board and/or NCI
    • Acknowledge the use of UVMCC shared resources, salary support, and/or research development awards in publications and provide associated PMCID to document compliance with NIH policy (when appropriate)

  • Associate Member +

    The applicant must meet two or more of the following criteria:

    • Have cancer-related co-publications in peer-reviewed journals
    • Provide a significant and independent clinical, translational, or basic science cancer-focused research contribution
    • Co-investigator on peer-reviewed, cancer-focused grant
    • Be in the first 3 years of a faculty appointment with a cancer-focused research program
    • Play a key role in a national cooperative group (i.e. National committee, national PI for trial)

    Associate members have the following benefits:

    • Eligibility to compete for UVMCC Developmental Funds and pilot projects
    • Eligible for $10,000 annually to pay for services from specific shared resources
    • Eligible to contribute to strategic planning initiatives
    • Association with a UVMCC Research Program
    • Invitation to scientific retreats, seminars and special programs
    • Personal profile inclusion on the UVMCC website
    • For junior investigators, access to UVMCC cancer research career development and mentoring programs
    • High impact publication costs covered (impact factor > 10) up to $2,000 per publication
    • Outside honorarium costs covered for external grant review up to $500 per submission

    Associate members commit to:

    • Actively participate in at least one UVMCC research program or in the UVMCC clinical cancer enterprise
    • Develop Inter- and intra-programmatic research collaborations leading to publications and funding proposals
    • Provide annual updates of cancer-focused funding, publications, accruals, and leadership roles (nationally & institutionally) for UVMCC progress reports and presentations to the External Advisory Board and/or NCI
    • Acknowledge the use of UVMCC shared resources, salary support, and/or research development awards in publications and provide associated PMCID to document compliance with NIH policy (when appropriate)

  • Core Clinical Member +

    The applicant meets criteria for clinical member with the following additional criteria:

    • Serves the cancer program in a clinical leadership role such as transdisciplinary team (TDT) leader, coordinator for Commission on Cancer (COC) certification, cancer quality officer, etc.
    • Core clinical members are described as key contributors in the NCI cancer center support grant but are not programmatically aligned.

    Core Clinical members have the following benefits

    • Eligibility to compete for UVMCC Developmental Funds and pilot projects
    • Eligibility for subsidized use of UVMCC supported shared resources
    • Eligible to contribute to strategic planning initiatives
    • Invitation to scientific retreats, seminars and special programs
    • Personal profile inclusion on the UVMCC website
    • For junior investigators, access to UVMCC cancer research career development and mentoring programs

    Core Clinical members commit to:

    • Actively participate in the UVMCC clinical cancer enterprise
    • Develop Inter- and intra-programmatic research collaborations leading to publications and funding proposals
    • Provide annual updates of cancer-focused funding, publications, accruals, and leadership roles (nationally & institutionally) for UVMCC progress reports and presentations to the External Advisory Board and/or NCI
    • Acknowledge the use of UVMCC shared resources, salary support, and/or research development awards in publications and provide associated PMCID to document compliance with NIH policy (when appropriate)

  • Clinical Member +

    The applicant must meet one of the following criteria:

    • Cancer clinician who is actively engaged in clinical research as site PI for an NCI cooperative group study, industry-sponsored study, cancer clinical trial from another cancer center or directs some form of cancer research program
    • Cancer clinician involved in the care of cancer patients actively engaged in enrolling patients to clinical trials or participating with other UVMCC researchers in translational research projects

    Clinical members have the following benefits:

    • Access to UVMCC shared resources for cancer-focused projects, with priority access for the UVMCC Clinical Trials Office and statistics shared resource
    • Invitation to scientific retreats, seminars and special programs
    • Listed on the UVMCC website
    • Eligible to compete for clinically focused UVMCC pilot awards
    • For junior investigators, access to UVMCC cancer research career development and mentoring program

    All clinical members commit to:

    • Provide annual updates of cancer-focused funding, publications, accruals, and leadership roles (nationally & institutionally) for UVMCC progress reports and presentations to the External Advisory Board and/or NCI

  • Affiliate Member +

    Faculty members engaged in non-cancer-focused research, and staff who support cancer related research, who wish to participate in UVMCC scientific and educational programs and who have interest in developing collaborations with UVMCC members.

    Affiliate members have the following benefits:

    • Invitation to Cancer Center sponsored scientific seminars, conferences, and special programs

  • Trainee Member +

    Graduate students, medical students, and post-doctoral clinical or research fellows who are engaged in or interested in cancer-focused research activities.

    Trainee members have the following benefits:

    • Invitation to scientific retreats, seminars, conferences, and special programs, especially those focused on training and career development
    • Access to and assistance by UVMCC coordinated mentoring activities
    • Eligible for travel awards to present a poster or talk
    • Eligible for summer fellowship opportunity
    • Invitations to grant writing workshops
    • Invitations to poster sessions with printing costs covered
    • Eligible to apply to be a Juckett scholar

  • Internal Processes

  • Application Process +

    Faculty employed by the University of Vermont or affiliated institutions apply for UVMCC membership using the membership application form found above or available by request. A Membership Committee comprised all Associate Directors will review the application and make a recommendation for program affiliation and specific membership category. This recommendation is then provided to the program leader(s) of the identified program for input. If the program leader(s) is/are in agreement, they will provide a recommendation for membership to the Cancer Center Director who will officially confer membership. The Associate Director for Administration or the Director will provide notification.

  • Notification Process and document updates +

    The UVM Cancer Center Administrator emails the Administrative Assistant to notify new members. An email specific to the correct membership level is sent notifying the members of their acceptance, the membership level and program association. The Directors, Program Leaders, Administrator and Communications staff are copied on this email. New members are added to the UVM Cancer Center website and receive all UVM Cancer Center communications. They are also given access to a cancer qualifying subsidy for Shared Resource usage and opportunities for intramural funding. The Administrative Assistant updates web page with member information, the member spreadsheet and email list serves.

  • Ongoing evaluation of membership +

    Review of all Cancer Center membership processes and member standing will be performed annually by the Membership Committee and may result in continuation, termination or change in membership category. Program leaders shall review program full and associate membership a minimum of twice per year and notify the membership committee of any recommended changes in membership status. Continuous membership is contingent on continued pursuit of cancer-related, peer-reviewed research and/or cancer-related research and clinical activities.

Quick Links
Application Materials
Membership Levels
Questions? Please contact:

Kate Webster, Administrative Director
UVM Cancer Center