NIH Postdoctoral Associates - Psychiatry Department

Sydney Batchelder, PhD

Sydney Batchelder, PhD

My current research includes treatments for opioid use disorder and treatments for intersectional vulnerable populations including food insecurity, COVID vaccination, and communicable diseases in individuals with opioid use disorder. My overarching research interests include behavioral pharmacology, contingency management, and health choice behaviors.

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Tyler Erath, PhDTyler Erath, PhD

My research is broadly focused on behavioral health, substance use disorders, and health disparities. A central tenet that connects my research—past, present, and future—is to integrate evidence-based practices into real-world, community settings. My current projects include collaborative work with a local syringe service program on substance use and treatment interest among individuals who inject drugs and behavioral economic research examining the substitutability of alternative tobacco products among individuals who smoke menthol cigarettes. 

Email | PubMed | CV
Brian Katz, PhDBrian Katz, PhDMy current research here at the VCBH includes examining the effects of smoking on executive function, investigating how contingency management can be used to promote cardiac-rehabilitation attendance, and assessments of the pulmonary and cardiac effects of e-cigarettes.Email | PubMed | CV

Loren Kock, PhD

Loren Kock, PhD

My research involves analysis of population- and individual-level data on substance use behaviors in priority populations in order support policies and interventions that can reduce harm and health inequalities. I am primarily working with Prof Sarah Heil and a program of research involving pregnant women experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage.Email | PubMed | CV

Nolder photo

Katya Nolder, PhD

My broad research interests include factors that influence maladaptive decision making, substance use, and the use of interventions for healthy behavior change.
Email | PubMedCV
NIH Predoctoral Fellows - Psychology Department
Marc FeinsteinMarc Jerome FeinsteinMy current research focus investigates tobacco and nicotine consumption, particularly e-cigarette and combustible cigarette dual users. More broadly, I’m interested in understanding the decision-making process behind health behaviors and substance abuse to predict, control, and hopefully prevent these problems.Email | PubMed | CV
Jillian GianniniJillian GianniniMy research focuses on the treatment of substance use disorders, specifically in those with co-morbid mental health conditions such as PTSD. I am particularly interested in exploring combined pharmacotherapy and therapeutic interventions to target these specific populations.Email | PubMed | CV

Julia West

Julia West, MA

My research focuses on youth and young adult substance use, specifically polytobacco and polysubstance use. I am particularly interested in informing addiction-related policies and mass media public education campaigns through population-level research.Email | PubMed| CV


Rhiannon Wiley 2022

Rhiannon Wiley, MA

My research focuses on ameliorating the harms of cigarette smoking on the public health with a particular emphasis on supporting vulnerable populations, including those with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). My projects include investigating the influence of opioid agonist medications on nicotine metabolism, understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the smoking patterns of people from vulnerable groups, and observing whether and how patterns of flavored e-cigarette use relate to reductions in combustible cigarette use.Email | PubMed| CV